Policies &
The process operates according to the guidelines of the Board of Education
School Fees are to be made payable to the school by certified cheque, bank draft, and money order (in Canadian currency) or through wire transfer (upon request). Payment of school fees is not required until the student has been notified of his/her acceptance into the SGA school.
First-time registrants in September at secondary level are required to pay fees for the full year.
Secondary renewal students who are not graduating in the current academic year are required to pay fees for the full year.
Secondary renewal students who are graduating in the first semester may only pay fees for the first semester
First-time secondary registrants for the second semester are required to pay fees for one semester.
International full-time students must register for a minimum of eight credits per year at St. George Academy unless if they need fewer than eight credits to graduate with an Ontario Secondary School Diploma.
International students may be enrolled on a part-time basis only if they enroll in another school full-time.
Health Insurance is not included in the school fees. Comprehensive health insurance is mandatory in Ontario and every international student must have this coverage while studying in Toronto.
A full tuition fee refund will be granted if Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) does not issue the study permit to student. The application/registration and processing fee will be deducted for each refund request.
Parents/Guardian and students should contact SGA admin staff and the Admissions office as soon as they know that the study permit application of the student is rejected by IRCC, either requesting for refund or deferral to coming semesters.
If a student withdraws at least forty five (45) calendar days or more prior to the commencement of the semester, 50% of the tuition fee will be refunded.
There will be NO refund of the tuition fee for the entire pay period in the following circumstances:
If a student withdraws less than forty five (45) calendar days before the commencement of the semester study programs.
If the student withdraws after the orientation day and the commencement of the semester.
if the student chooses to withdraw for any reasons other than reasons set out in the Study Permit Refusal Refund, Immigration Status Change Refund and Partial Refunds sections above.
if the student is found in violation of SGA’s school policies and if got suspended.
if false or fraudulent information was provided, including providing false transcript of grades from previous school.
Kindly note that the Application Fees will be deducted for each refund request.
The following is a list of St. George Academy school policies that should ALWAYS be remembered to ensure and maintain an optimal quality learning environment:
Pleasure ensure all cell phones are OFF (classroom, hallways, computer room)
Make sure you ATTEND all classes and arrive ON TIME to gain the most from your courses.
Students may not use tobacco, drugs and/or alcohol on site or be under the influence of drugs nor alcohol upon entrance into the school.
Students are responsible for completing all assigned tasks (homework, tests, etc.)
Students are expected to always respect staff.
Students are expected to behave appropriately while on school property. (Roughhousing, yelling, play fighting and wrestling and not acceptable forms of behaviour.)
Students will treat school property and equipment as they are intended to be used.
Destruction or vandalism of property or equipment will not be tolerated.
Throw away waste in proper receptacles. Do not leave waste behind in classroom.
Cheating and plagiarism, in any form, are unacceptable.
Note: If these academic regulations are not respected by any student, there will be consequences in respect to the level of severity of action which will be determined by the school principal.
School Attendance Policy:
Attendance is mandatory for achieving good grades in the secondary system.
Students are expected to attend all of their scheduled classes.
If unable to attend due to illness, students must call before 9am (or one hour before the start of their afternoon class), and must present a doctor’s note.
For all other absences, the student must discuss his/her need to be away the day prior with their teacher, as well as the principal.
The principal will determine whether the student’s “need to be away” is valid, and may ask for verification from parents/guardians. It is the student’s responsibility to make up for missed course work.
Students who are one hour and a half late for their class, without a justifiable reason (this will be determined by the principal) will be considered absent from that class, regardless of whether they attend the remainder of the class.
Lateness will be tracked by time and accumulated by the instructor. When lateness accumulations reach 3 hours, the late record will count as one absent day.
After 8 absences the student may no longer be able to pass his/her course, and may be removed from that class without a refund. (Our school semesters consist of approximately 46 teaching days, and daily evaluation is conducted by our instructors that influence a student’s final grade.)
Cheating and Plagiarism Policy:
Cheating and plagiarism are unacceptable at St George Academy. The severity of the penalty depends on each teacher but cheating and/or plagiarism may result in a zero on the assessment without the ability to resubmit, even if the consequence is a failing mark for the course.
Late and Missed Assignment Policy:
The severity of the penalties for late and missed assignments depends on each teacher. Generally, students are provided with the opportunities to succeed, and our teachers encourage students to complete the outstanding work to demonstrate their learning. As stated in the Student Success document on the Ontario Ministry of Education website, however, "Deducting marks — and even assigning a grade of zero — can also be done, but it should be a last resort." Students who do not submit the outstanding work before report card deadlines may receive a zero on the assessment without the ability to resubmit, even if the consequence is a failing mark for the course.